digital training

wherever, whenever

When you choose one of our subscription plans, you will receive login details to our training platform. Our trainings are included at no extra cost with the use of our products.

The trainings are condensed and dynamic, incorporating various elements including text, video, images and quizzes. You will also be assigned tasks to complete. Additionally, we have micro learnings on more specific topics.

You conduct the training on your own, wherever and whenever you prefer. You can pause and continue the training when it suits you. The only group session occurs when you opt for certification in our assessments. You can schedule a convenient time, and certification is also conducted digitally.

Our trainings are continually expanding as new products are released on our platform.

our trainings

  • The training is a total of five hours, including certification if you wish to certify yourself with one of our experts. The certification session is one hour long.

    The training includes, amongst other things:

    • An introduction to assessments, for example, an overview of psychometrics, reliability, validity, and the contexts in which tests can be used.

    • What to consider when designing a competency requirement profile.

    • Overview of the personality assessment, for example, what is personality, competency, and behaviors, how our test is structured, review of our reports, and how to interpret the results.

    • Overview of the motivation assessment, for example, what are motivation and drivers, how our test is structured, review of our reports, and how to interpret the results.

    • Overview of the cognitive test (numerical, verbal, and logical), for example, what are skills, how our tests are structured, review of our reports, and how to interpret the results.

    • Conducting tests oneself.

    At the end of the training, you can choose if you want to become certified in our assessments.

  • The training is a total of one hour.

    The training includes, amongst other things:

    • How to select the "right" competencies for the role you are recruiting for.

    • What is a personality assessment? How should I as a manager interpret/understand the candidate's and/or employee's results.

    • What is a motivation assessment? How should I as a manager interpret/understand the candidate's and/or employee's results.

    • What are cognitive tests? How should I as a manager interpret/understand the candidate's and/or employee's results.

    • An introduction to our interview guide and how to choose which questions to ask the candidate.

    We also recommend that recruiting managers take the "Interview Guidance" training as a complement.

  • The training is a total of 30 minutes.

    The training includes, amongst other things:

    • Different type of interview styles.

    • How to choose which questions to ask the candidate.

    • What interviewers should consider before, during, and after an interview.

  • A 10-minute microlearning session on what to consider when creating a job specification for a role you are recruiting for.